Torture Abu-Grahib, 2009. Oil on canvas, 46 x 32 inches.

The image of the Crucifixion is the most penetrating symbol of torture and cruelty. After I saw photographs taken by American soldiers at the Abu-Ghraib prison in Iraq of torture and humiliation, I felt anger and shame that my government ordered and condoned these bestial acts. The hypocrisy of our leaders who repeatedly claimed to be deeply religious and followers of Jesus Christ was astounding. Inspired by the Crucifixion paintings of Caravaggio and other Old Masters I proceeded to develop my painting. I hired models, bought costumes and props, and worked on my painting from life and at certain later stages from photographs. The lunging dog was the only thing I actually copied from the Abu-Ghraib photos. This painting provoked a lot of interest and controversy, mostly supportive but some hostile.

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